3D NFT art galleries are a great use case for metaverse adoption | SOPRG

The Metaverse is a promising and thought-provoking technology, media, and medium for interaction. However, for regular people to use it for any activity, one of the few real use cases is NFT art galleries.

Some analysts and experts say it has great promise for remote work. But then, why would anyone use the Metaverse instead of a Zoom call? People also say that it will allow the emergence of virtual tourism so that those that can’t afford to physically go to a location can instead use a VR set and log in to the Metaverse. However, doesn’t that speak badly of a society that promotes such inequities that industries devise ways for people virtually experience instead of going? The famous American author, Kurt Vonnegut, said he liked going to buy envelopes because just the journey of doing such an errand was enjoyable. Running into people and interacting with them, and just many of the little things that make it worthwhile to be alive. That’s why he chose to go outside and enjoy his life instead of bulk-buying envelopes online. Now, apply this same logic to actual tourism and going on trips. Digital art, however, does have a more natural fit with the virtual world. And NFT art galleries are popping up inside of it. You even have some metaverses whose purposes are to provide art gallery spaces.

This is not to throw shade at the Metaverse and its promise. It is a highly disruptive medium that will change societies alongside other technologies. Instead, all that was said previously highlights the significance of NFT art for the new digital landscape. Human civilization and culture need artistic expression, so one could argue that the building block of having an immersive digital experience is the ability to have art in the Metaverse. Also, NFT art galleries and art-related events are the most relevant use cases for now.

How NFT art galleries can create the right environment for Metaverse adoption

Some platforms, like Spatial.io and CastMyNFT.io, allow users to create their own spaces for digital art exhibitions. Spatial used to be tailored more toward galleries but evolved towards enabling users and brands to build areas for hanging out, hosting events, or having enhanced brand experiences, which allows people to use the Metaverse however they see as most convenient and fun. By doing this, they open the way for other uses to emerge. It’s a way for people to start getting acquainted with this medium and interacting with other people on it.

From there, those with inventiveness and imagination can start seeing how users behave and create new services tailored to whatever issues arise. Also, people can rent NFT art galleries for virtual events not bound by physical laws, which allows them to host significantly more people.

It is worth noting that NFTs are now a significant portion of the total art market. In 2021, at the height of crypto and NFT valuations, the NFT art market was 16% of the arts sector. Keeping this in mind, it makes sense that digital art, having become so valuable, becomes pivotal in developing the Metaverse and all its uses.

Finding synergies to expand arts (and Metaverse use)

If the Metaverse develops all the uses that people think it will have, NFT art galleries will play a pivotal role. If you think about it, the virtual tourism and the remote work solutions industries need to find synergies with arts businesses. An example of tourism using something similar to an art gallery could be that traditional museums find ways to incorporate NFTs, Metaverse, and VR experiences into their operations. This would not be to replicate physical reality but to provide a distinct (perhaps enhanced) experience. And that would create the demand for virtual tourism that is not based on the depressing notion that people don’t have enough money to go to places and have a physical experience if they want to.

The same can be said of other activities, which can be held initially at NFT art gallery settings. These can be charities, work-related activities, or an interview with a well-known person.

For all the above reasons, the SOPRG NFT art gallery has decided to leap into the Somnium Spaces Metaverse. If you go to it, you will find artworks exposed as in a regular art gallery. Also, they host events, like when SOPRG held an NFT auction on behalf of the Czech National Theater to create a rehabilitation and physiotherapy center for ballet dancers.

Art is at the center of much of human activity and thought because it is how we explore our own creativity. It is how we criticize society and the politics that govern it and shed light on how people live their lives. It makes sense that it is central to developing the Metaverse, which is anticipated to be a venue for humans to spend much of their time.

Painting by Mrs. Pojarová – you can buy the NFTs via our shop.